📊Alpha Hedge Portfolio Results: Week #08/2024
Scaling an investment portfolio 10x for the 2nd time in a decade and sharing the blueprint at the Wall Street Insider Report
Alpha Hedge Portfolio Results: Week #08/2024
Alpha Hedge Portfolio
2013 to 02/23/2024*
*This results are updated weekly
The Alpha Hedge Portfolio has increased by 9% so far this month. Contrary to what happened in Week #07, last week saw gains in the Bonds, Currency, Equities, and Growth Stocks Portfolios, while the Crypto Portfolio was the only one to experience a slight decrease.
Disclaimer: Investing is risky, and you can lose money. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Investing in the Stock Market is not appropriate for everyone. These pictures look great, but remember we’re showing you the results built in the long-term. If you can’t afford to lose money, Zurique Capital's solutions probably isn’t right for you.
In 2022, the Alpha Hedge Portfolio increased 10x, yielding a 900% return on the initial investment. This was achieved without any new contributions or withdrawals, with profits and dividends excluded throughout the period.
In 2021, we restarted the 10x journey.↓
Alpha Hedge Collective2 Portfolio
09/17/2021 to 02/23/2024*
*This results are updated weekly
Understanding the Collective2 Portfolio
The Collective2 Portfolio was established on September 17, 2021, with an initial investment of $50,000 to ensure confidence in the presented results. This Platform allows our Premium Subscribers to access the Alpha Hedge Portfolio in real-time and join us on our journey to increase our portfolio tenfold within a decade.
⚠️We execute the Alfa Hedge Strategy in a Real-Life Brokerage Account with Interactive Brokers integrated with the Platform Collective2, a U.S. regulated company based in New York.
Unlock the Alpha Hedge Portfolio↓